
We want to upgrade our hunger, leap into the new realms, all the while, despising our contentment, but paradoxically, searching for the same.      

The crisp-culture is deeply embedded in today’s world. Catering our short attention spans, everything fed to us is shorter. And we prefer them too. We are so used to with the one-liners, 5-second ads, 30-second songs, 15-second contents, 1-minute reads, short stories, short speeches, short poems, and shorter short-cuts. Learn a language in 1 week, learn a ballet routine in 5 hours, hike a mountain in 30 minutes, double your money in 25 days…

We need the gist, and we need it fast. We have so much to do, so much to take in, and we don’t have time. We are so busy, we need efficiency. Efficiency in work, in relationships, in learnings, in art, in the world. All- so that we can get things done with. So that we can jump to another issue quickly.

We don’t like redundant; we want to be excited thoroughly. The lust towards the extra-ordinary, the new, the unique. We are bored with the world. We are tired of stable, of peace. We are so in hurry. The fear of missing out, the fear of wasting time, it consumes us.

We are not satisfied with the stars and the moon anymore; we crave for endless fireworks now.

We are so caught up in this crisp culture, that we have forgotten that redundancy is equally true truth in this world, that there’s nothing new under the sun. Colors are redundant, sounds are redundant, feelings are redundant, the people, the minds, the arts, the words, all are redundant. In fact, the entire humanity can be fit into an algorithm, we can be THAT generalized. It’s THAT easy to crack our common ground and predict our moves.

But we are programmed to be bored if we don’t get continual dopamine hits. We are not satisfied with the stars and the moon anymore; we crave for endless fireworks now. There’s no fun in melody anymore, we need frequent thunders now.

We have forgotten to appreciate the old and the mundane, the reservoir of knowledge acquired after years of diligence and experience, and the comfort and peace we find in it. We just want to get it done with. The love of our life becomes too predictable, too stable, too redundant. The job of our dreams is so bland now- similar routine, similar expertise, and similar network. Bucket lists of travel destinations is not exciting anymore. It’s just the hills, just the sky, and clouds and birds and greens and people. It’s same. It’s tiring.

We don’t want to notice how a dimple shows up in our partner’s left cheek when they feel embarrassed, or what their tell is when they lie, or the direction their eyes move towards when they zone out in the middle of the conversation anymore. We forget to notice how while we do things we secretly love (but can’t wait to label it dreary), our subconscious accelerates and takes control, and the things happen almost effortlessly, the outside world blurs and there’s this concentrated isolation in the task. We forget to appreciate the different colors of the mud in the same hiking trail, the deceiving perception of direction at every twist and turn of the road trip, the unfamiliar familiar in people’s faces of every different village stops of the trek. 

We don’t invest time, to not waste time. Maybe we are getting too time-conscious that we don’t have time anymore.

Eyes ahead, we don’t want to take stops, we don’t want to feel the water, let it sink in for a while, we want to swim faster than the flow itself. We want to upgrade our hunger, leap into the new realms, all the while, despising our contentment, but paradoxically, searching for the same.      

While there’s sexiness and boldness in the directness, there’s comfort in the indirectness too. There’s an art in beating around the bush too. There’s an art in the build ups, the anecdotes, metaphors and lengthy analogies too.

I am not against the time-valuing innovators out there. I am just concerned about us thinking we can cancel the mundanity, about us forgetting to coexist with it un-anxiously.

We don’t invest time, to not waste time. Maybe we are getting too time-conscious that we don’t have time anymore.

Or maybe, I am just beating around the bush to say I am still artsy after writing a lengthy whatever it is, with redundant “REDUNTANT”-S. Lol. Bonus redundant. Thank you for your time.

  1. it’s a brave person who posts on xmas day but this is a good one; love your nom de plume…

  2. “So I got me new eyes”- WOW! Fabulous perspective. Extremely well penned piece. I agree that learning someone(something) all over…

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